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Advancements in Veterinary Orthopedics: Threaded Head Locking and Non-Threaded Head Locking Screws Online Course


Advancements in Veterinary Orthopedics: Threaded Head Locking and Non-Threaded Head Locking Screws Online Course is designed to review the differences between threaded head locking and non-threaded head locking screws. Learners will consider the importance of using appropriate screwdrivers and the torque characteristics of a non-threaded head locking screws.






Cost IconCost

$0, this course is complimentary!

Length clock icon


30 minutes


Vets IconIntended Audience

Veterinary Surgeons, and General Practitioners


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Following completion of this online course,

a participant will be able to:



  • Understand the difference between threaded head locking and non-threaded head locking screws.
  • Consider the importance of using appropriate screwdrivers.
  • List the torque characteristics of a non-threaded head locking screws.










The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Movora NO RACE Certificate of Completion
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