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Total Joint Replacement

BioMedtrix Universal Hip™ In-Person Mentorship Opportunity

Purchase for $3600

Join Movora on July 8-10 for our Universal Hip In-Person THR Mentorship Opportunity at Bark City Vet, in Park City, UT.

This program offers surgeons and their teams the technical feedback and support required to gain confidence in performing THR as they prepare to perform clinical cases.

Surgeons who have completed the BioMedtrix Universal Hip hands-on surgical Workshop may enroll in the Universal Hip Mentorship Program. This program incurs additional cost and is designed to support new total hip replacement surgeons as they progress beyond attending a total joint replacement workshop, towards performing clinical total hip replacement procedures. Surgeons who complete this program will have demonstrated an understanding of the concepts necessary for successful clinical results. This pathway consists of surgeons and their teams practicing the procedure in a wet lab setting and submitting radiographs and case notes for evaluation. 

The registration fee covers all supplies needed to perform four (4) cadaver cases, surgical direction from an experienced BioMedtrix instructor on day 1, case review of all practice cases, and onsite catering. 

Surgeons typically work in groups of two and are expected to take all pre- and post-op radiograph images.

Note: Participating surgeons must bring a surgery technician or nurse to work alongside them throughout the practice days.  See separate registration form to enroll.


Surgeon Registration: $3600

*Residents and Technicians - Please Note: To take advantage of the discounted price listed above, please ensure you select the correct 'Role' when you are setting up your account.

A limited number of spaces are available. To join the waitlist, please contact



 Dr. Caleb Hudson  DVM, MS, DACVS
Dr. Stephen Jones  VMB, MS, DACVS, DECVS
Dr. Terri Schiller  DVM, DACVS
Dr. Ross Lirtzman  DVM, DACVS

Event Description

This 3-day opportunity consists of surgeons working in groups of two, along with their technicians, to practice the procedure in a wet lab setting. Each team is expected to take their own radiographs and submit them for evaluation, along with case notes.

Product Mentorship

The Universal Hip Product Mentorship Program incurs additional costs and is designed to support new total joint replacement surgeons as they progress beyond attendance at a total joint replacement workshop, towards performing clinical total joint replacement procedures. Surgeons who complete this program will have demonstrated an understanding of the concepts necessary for successful clinical results. The program offers three potential pathways to practice the procedure, gain confidence, and validate a surgeon’s comprehension of the concepts required for successful clinical results. One of the following three pathways may be selected: Cadaver Implantation, Surgeon Assist Training, or Mentor Training. Completion of the Mentorship Program is a required process prior to purchasing implants from BioMedtrix for total joint systems. The Product Mentorship Program is offered for the Universal Hip and Small Breed Hip systems.

Movora provides all equipment and materials for each course.



Bark City Veterinary Specialists
5373 UT-224
Park City, UT USA


To take advantage of our discounted rate when booking your stay, please follow the link below! 
Hotel Website

The hotel information above is provided as a courtesy. All travel accommodations are the responsibility of the registered individual(s). Please note: This course has a minimum required enrollment. It is recommended that registrants wait to book travel arrangements until minimum enrollment has been confirmed by the event coordinator.


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The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

BioMedtrix Universal Hip Workshop Certificate of Completion
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