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BioMedtrix Universal Hip Small Breeds Online Course

Purchase for $490

The BioMedtrix Universal Hip Small Breeds online course is designed to provide surgeons with an in-depth understanding of the BioMedtrix Universal Hip Small Breeds system and the surgical procedure. Upon completion, participants will have the prerequisite information required before attending a Universal Hip Small Breeds Hands-on Workshop.

Here is the course outline:

1. Introduction

2. Implants and Instruments

3. Patient Positioning and Surgical Approach

4. Osteotomy of the Femoral Neck

5. Preparation of the Acetabulum & Cup Insertion

6. Femoral Canal Preparation and Stem Insertion

7. Reduction & Postoperative Considerations

8. THR Indications, Patient Selection, and First Clinical Cases

9. Course Evaluation - CODE 1034544

Course Evaluation


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

BioMedtrix Certificate of Completion
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