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In-Person Total Joint Replacement Trainings
Online Total Joint Replacement Training Courses
Total Joint Replacement Mentorship Programs for Veterinary Surgeons who wish to perform TJR procedures
at Hotel Meliá Vienna, Austria Join us for the 1st ever combined BioMedtrix & KYON Symposium, where innovative minds in veterinary orthopedics unite to foster collaboration, discuss updates in the industry, and grow in knowledge. Claim Your Spot Early and Save €500! Early-Bird Tier: €1200 (Now - December 2024) General Tier: €1700 (Starting January 2025)
Foundational Knowledge for Referring THR Online Course is designed to provide the necessary information to refer dogs and cats for THR. THR technology and technique have evolved and is now considered a routine surgical procedure and the gold-standard for treatment of hip dysplasia and severe osteoarthritis by experts in the field. THR is designed to return pets to a normal-functioning, pain-free life. A total of 1 CE credits are earned for successful completion.
This course is designed to provide veterinary surgeons with the foundational knowledge needed to understand the full commitment of becoming a skilled, THR surgeon. This course reviews the case load and financial commitment for offering THR at a veterinary clinic. This includes the cost of education, staff, location, and equipment. The course also reviews the skill acquisitions process and the time needed to complete the online, in-person and mentorship program. Finally, this course gives an overview of the hip systems offered by Movora. Expected time to complete this course is 2 hours. A total of 2 CE credits is earned for successful completion.
A comprehensive online course designed to provide surgeons with an in-depth understanding of the BioMedtrix Universal Hip System and the THR surgical procedure Completion of this course is required prior to attending the Universal Hip Hands-on Surgical Workshop. This course is approved by the AAVSB for 7 CE credits.
The BioMedtrix Universal Hip Small Breeds online course is designed to provide surgeons with an in-depth understanding of the BioMedtrix Universal Hip Small Breeds system and the surgical procedure. Upon completion, participants will have the prerequisite information required before attending a Universal Hip Small Breeds Hands-on Workshop.
This program offers surgeons and their surgical teams the technical feedback and support required to gain confidence in performing THR as they prepare to perform clinical cases. Completion of a Universal Hip Hands-on Surgical Workshop is required to enroll in the Mentorship program. Completion of this program is required prior to purchasing implants for clinical use.
KYON: An Introduction to THR Online Course is designed to provide surgeons with essential information for understanding of the KYON THR system, case selection, and postoperative care. Additionally, learners will gain an understanding of radiography requirements, and the primary steps of the surgical procedure. Upon completion, participants will have gained familiarity with the system, preoperative and postoperative radiograph requirements, and postoperative care. Expected time to complete this course is 3 hours. A total of 3 CE credits is earned for successful completion.
This mentor training gives surgeons and their surgical teams the technical feedback and support as they perform their first two clinical THR cases with the KYON Zurich Cementless THR System. This support by KYON THR experts is offered to surgeons who have completed the prior THR online courses and the Total Hip Replacement Workshop in the KYON THR Education Pathway and have passed the THR Skill Assessment.
This course describes the KYON Zurich Cementless THR Education Pathway for surgeons who are interested in learning the THR procedure with the KYON system. It provides an overview of the courses and workshops, and the KYON THR Mentorship Program, which must be completed to become an approved KYON THR user.
This course teaches the latest advancements in the KYON THR Surgical Technique, specifically an update to the acetabular reaming technique, and the surgical technique for liner revision. An acetabular cup design update and additional instrument and implant options will be presented.
Purchase the BioMedtrix Universal Hip™ Workshop and the In-Person Mentorship Opportunity Bundle (May 19-24, 2025) in Cremona, Italy together to receive a discount of 20% on the BioMedtrix Universal Hip™ In-Person Mentorship Opportunity .
This evaluation program is aimed at surgeons who completed the KYON Total Hip Replacement Workshop and want to proceed to the next step in the KYON THR Education Pathway. The successful completion of the KYON THR Skills Assessment: Wet Lab Case Evaluation is mandatory for surgeons to become eligible for the purchase of THR implants for their first two clinical cases.
The KYON Mini THR Online Course is designed to provide surgeons with an in-depth understanding of the KYON Mini THR system and the surgical procedure. Upon completion, participants will have the prerequisite information required before attending a KYON Mini Total Hip Replacement Workshop.
KYON: Total Hip Replacement (THR) for Veterinary Technicians Online Course is designed to prepare veterinary technicians to assist in a KYON THR procedure. First the course defines hip dysplasia and describes indications for total hip replacements. It reviews correct positions and techniques for pre and postoperative radiographs. The course summarizes the surgical procedure from a veterinary technician’s point of view, highlighting important steps where the veterinary technician plays a vital role. Finally, the course summarizes recovery, discusses risks of THR, and reviews considerations for a successful THR veterinary technician.
at Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK Completion of this three-day workshop prepares you to start your journey to become a successful THR surgeon and incorporate the procedure into your clinical services.
at the Istituto Veterinario di Novara, Novara, IT This practical assessment provides you with the unique opportunity to access wet lab cases and to do the KYON THR Skill Assessment over five days and receive immediate feedback from KYON THR expert assessors. Please note that this is an assessment and not a workshop, although mentorship will be provided for only the first case to those that opt for it and these cases will not count towards the assessment. You must have already completed the KYON Total Hip Replacement Workshop before attending this workshop and familiarized yourself with the Skills Assessment requirements.
at the Movora Education Center in Boston, Massachusetts Completion of this two-day workshop prepares you to start your journey to become a successful THR surgeon and incorporate the procedure into your clinical services.
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK Developed in cooperation with experienced industry-leading surgeons, during this two-day workshop participants will learn proper technique for use of the BioMedtrix Universal Hip System.
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK This practical assessment provides you with the unique opportunity to access wet lab cases and to do the KYON THR Skills Assessment over three days and receive immediate feedback from KYON THR expert assessors. Please note that this is an assessment and not a workshop. You must have already completed the KYON Total Hip Replacement Workshop before attending the KYON THR Skills Assessment and familiarized yourself with the Skills Assessment requirements.
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK This program offers surgeons and their team the technical feedback and support required to gain confidence in performing THR as they prepare to perform clinical cases. Completion of a Universal Hip Hands-on Surgical Workshop is required to enroll in the Mentorship program. Completion of this program is required prior to purchasing implants for clinical use.
at Freelance Education Center, UK Completion of this two-day workshop prepares the surgeon to incorporate KYON Mini Total Hip Replacement procedures into their clinical services.
This evaluation program is aimed at surgeons who completed the KYON Mini Total Hip Replacement Workshop and want to proceed to the next step in the KYON THR Education Pathway. The successful completion of the KYON Mini THR Skills Assessment: Wet Lab Case Evaluation is mandatory for surgeons to become eligible for the purchase of Mini THR implants for their first two clinical cases.
Ce cours présentant les bases de l’orientation d’un patient pour une prothèse totale de hanche (PTH) est conçu pour vous fournir les informations nécessaires pour prescrire une PTH aux chiens et aux chats. Par le passé, la PTH était considérée par de nombreux vétérinaires comme compliquée et difficile à gérer pour les vétérinaires, les propriétaires et les animaux de compagnie eux-mêmes. Cependant, la technologie et la technique ont évolué. La PTH est aujourd’hui considérée comme une intervention chirurgicale de routine et comme l’étalon-or pour le traitement de la dysplasie de la hanche et de l’arthrose sévère par les experts en la matière. Les progrès technologiques ont rendu possible la pose d’implants pour toute la durée de vie de l’animal. En reproduisant l’articulation naturelle de la rotule, la PTH est conçue pour permettre aux animaux de compagnie de reprendre une vie normale et sans douleur. Le temps nécessaire pour terminer ce cours est d’une heure. Un total de 1 crédit de formation continue est obtenu en cas de réussite.
at the Palazzo Trecchi Lab in Cremona, IT Developed in cooperation with experienced industry-leading surgeons, during this two-day workshop participants will learn proper technique for use of the BioMedtrix Universal Hip System.
Basiswissen zur Überweisung zur Hüft-Totalendoprothese (Hüft-TEP) gibt Ihnen die notwendigen Kentnisse für die Überweisung von Hunden und Katzen zur Hüft-TEP. Traditionell wurde die Hüft-TEP von vielen Tierärzten als kompliziert und schwierig für Tierärzte, Tierbesitzer und die Tiere selbst angesehen. Technologie und Technik haben sich jedoch weiterentwickelt. Die Hüft-TEP wird heute als chirurgischer Routineeingriff angesehen und gilt unter Fachleuten als Goldstandard für die Behandlung von Hüftgelenksdysplasie und schwerer Arthrose. Die Fortschritte in der Technologie haben dazu geführt, dass die Implantate ein Leben lang halten. Durch die Nachbildung des natürlichen Kugelgelenks ist die Hüft-TEP so konzipiert, dass Haustiere wieder ein normales, schmerzfreies Leben führen können. Die Dauer des Kurses beträgt ca. 1 Stunde. Bei erfolgreichem Abschluss wird insgesamt 1 CE-Kredit vergeben.
at the Palazzo Trecchi Lab in Cremona, IT This program offers surgeons and their team the technical feedback and support required to gain confidence in performing THR as they prepare to perform clinical cases. Completion of a Universal Hip Hands-on Surgical Workshop is required to enroll in the Mentorship program. Completion of this program is required prior to purchasing implants for clinical use.
at Bark City Vet in Park City, UT This program offers surgeons and their teams the technical feedback and support required to gain confidence in performing THR as they prepare to perform clinical cases.
at Bark City Vet in Park City, UT Developed in cooperation with experienced industry-leading surgeons, during this two-day workshop participants will learn proper technique for use of the BioMedtrix Universal Hip System.
at Bark City Vet, Park City, UT Surgery Technicians are encouraged to attend In-Person THR Mentorship Days to learn the procedure alongside their surgeon. Doing so helps technicians gain confidence in their role as they prepare to participate in clinical cases as part of the surgery team.
at the Movora Education Center in Boston, MA This full-day workshop designed for second and third-year surgical residents will allow participants to familiarize themselves with the BioMedtrix Total Hip Replacement procedure.
at the Movora Education Center in Boston, MA Developed in cooperation with experienced industry-leading surgeons, during this two-day workshop participants will learn proper technique for use of the BioMedtrix Universal Hip System.
at the Movora Education Center in Boston, MA This program offers surgeons and their team the technical feedback and support required to gain confidence in performing THR as they prepare to perform clinical cases. • Completion of a Universal Hip Hands-on Surgical Workshop is required to enroll in the Mentorship program. • Completion of this program is required prior to purchasing implants for clinical use.
We offer you the opportunity to do the BioMedtrix Universal Hip and the KYON THR Workshop back-to-back from October 27-31, 2025 at the Orsi Academy in Ghent, Belgium, to experience both THR systems.
at the Orsi Academy, Ghent, BE Developed in cooperation with experienced industry-leading surgeons, during this two-day workshop participants will learn proper technique for use of the BioMedtrix Universal Hip System.
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK This two-day workshop will review and discuss how to avoid complications in a collaborative environment. The goal of the workshop is to present the recent evolution in THR technique particularly related to cementless (BFX®) implants. Surgical tips and tricks will be reinforced by demonstration of surgical technique in a wet lab.
at the Orsi Academy in Ghent, BE Completion of this three-day workshop prepares you to start your journey to become a successful THR surgeon and incorporate the procedure into your clinical services.
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK This full-day workshop allows participants to learn the proper technique for the use of our Small Breeds Total Hip Replacement system, including the new BFX® (biologic fixation) press-fit acetabular cups, in addition to CFX® (cemented) stems and cups.
The KYON THR Skills Assessment Package gives you access to both parts of the KYON THR Skills Assessment, the Wet Lab Case Evaluation program and the Clinical Case Mentoring program for a reduced price.
The KYON Mini THR Skills Assessment Package gives you access to both parts of the KYON Mini THR Skills Assessment, the KYON Mini THR Wet Lab Case Evaluation program and the KYON Mini THR Clinical Case Mentoring program for a reduced price.