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Lateral Suture Repair for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Insufficiency: Monofilament Nylon and OrthoZip Online Course


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Lateral Suture Repair for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Insufficiency: Monofilament Nylon and OrthoZip Online Course is designed to give background on when and why to use lateral sutures with cranial cruciate ligament disease. This course reviews how lateral sutures are biomechanically different, surgical approach, meniscal management, and the importance of isometry. 


A total of 1.5, RACE-approved, CE credits are earned for successful completion. 




Cost IconCost


Length Icon of clock


1.5 hours


Intended audience IconIntended Audience


Veterinary Technicians


Check Icon


Following completion of this online course,

a participant will be able to:


Collie in motion with logo mark

  • Define Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) Disease.
  • Explain when and why lateral suture repair (LSR) is used.
  • Summarize the evolution of lateral suture repair.
  • Compare the Monofilament Nylon (MN) and the OrthoZip System.
  • Review the surgical approach & meniscal management steps common to both MN & OrthoZip lateral suture repair.
  • Outline the surgical approach to using OrthoZip.
  • Discuss the importance of isometry.
  • Review guidelines for general postoperative care.
  • Discuss benefits of physical therapy for LSR.
  • Manage owner expectations in regard to outcome.
  • Consider possible complications and how to avoid them.
  • Highlight the benefits of Movora products for lateral suture repair.










The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Movora Certificate of Completion
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