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Foundations of Performing TPLO Online Course is designed to give background on CrCL disease, understand the range of treatment options, acquire foundational knowledge in when, why, and how to offer TPLO, and provide surgeons knowledge in preparation of attending a hands-on workshop. Expected time to complete this course is 2 hours. A total of 2 CE credits are earned for successful completion.
This course is designed to provide foundational knowledge of CORA Based Leveling Osteotomy (CBLO). This course reviews when and why to conduct a CBLO procedure, and gives theory behind why CBLO has been highly successful in repairing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears in canines. Expected time to complete this course is 1 hour. A total of .75, RACE approved, CE credit are earned for successful completion.
This is a comprehensive course designed to show how to diagnose a cranial cruciate ligament rupture, and consider TPLO and other treatments options. You will learn to plan and apply the TPLO procedure and the important steps of pre- and post-operative care. This course is part of the KYON TPLO pathway. It is followed by the practical exercises in a KYON TPLO workshop. This course is approved by the AAVSB for 3 CE credits.
ALPS® PAUL-II is a second generation PAUL plate used for treating elbow dysplasia. KYON: An Introduction to ALPS® PAUL-II is designed to provide a theoretical foundation of the PAUL-II system. The completion of this course is a prerequisite for taking part in a practical ALPS PAUL-II workshop. Expected time to complete this course is 5 hours. A total of 4 CE credits are earned for successful completion.
This is an introductory course to KYON's Patellar Groove Replacement (PGR) system. It provides relevant information about the PGR system, indications for PGR, pre- and post-operative care and the PGR surgical technique. This course is part of the KYON PGR educational pathway and is followed by the practical exercises in a KYON PGR workshop.
Este curso introductorio ofrece una visión integral del sistema de Reemplazo del Surco Rotuliano (Patella Groove Replacement; PGR) de KYON. A lo largo del curso, se exploran aspectos clave como las indicaciones para la utilización del PGR, la técnica quirúrgica, y el cuidado pre y postoperatorio necesario para garantizar el éxito del procedimiento. Este curso es parte del programa educativo de KYON sobre el sistema PGR y se complementa con ejercicios prácticos que se realizan en el taller de PGR de KYON.
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) is used to treat dogs with a ruptured Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CrCL). KYON: An Introduction to Tibial Tuberosity Advancement TTA Online Course is designed to give background on CrCL disease, understand the range of treatment options, acquire foundational knowledge in when, why, and how to offer TTA, and provide surgeons knowledge in preparation of attending a hands-on workshop. The expected time to complete this course is 2 hours. A total of 2, RACE approved, CE credits are earned for successful completion.
The OrthoSta: Knotless Ligament Reconstruction System Online Course provides a comprehensive overview of CrCL injuries and how they can be effectively managed using the OrthoSta Knotless System. Through this online course, learners will explore the surgical technique, the concept of isometry, interarticular structures, and gain insights into postoperative care management. This course is approved by the AAVSB for 1 CE credit. Expected time to complete this course is 1 hour.
Introduction to Lateral Suture and Monofilament Nylon and The OrthoZip System Online Course is designed to give background on when and why to use lateral sutures with cranial cruciate ligament disease. This course reviews how lateral sutures are biomechanically different, surgical approach, meniscal management, and the importance of isometry. Expected time to complete this course is 1.5 hours.
TPLO for Veterinary Technicians Online Course is designed to prepare veterinary technicians to assist in a TPLO procedure. First the course reviews diagnostics for CCL then it reviews preoperative radiographs and patient preparation. The course summarizes the surgical procedure from a veterinary technician’s point of view, highlighting important steps where the veterinary technician plays a vital role. Finally, the course summarizes postoperative radiography, patient recovery, and postoperative care.
La osteotomía niveladora de la meseta tibial o en inglés Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) se usa para tratar perros con un ligamento cruzado craneal (LCC) roto. Fundamentos de la realización de TPLO está diseñado para proporcionar antecedentes sobre la enfermedad CrCL, comprender la gama de opciones de tratamiento, adquirir conocimientos fundamentales sobre cuándo, por qué y cómo ofrecer TPLO, y proporcionar a los cirujanos conocimientos en preparación para asistir a un taller práctico. El tiempo esperado para completar este curso es de 2 horas. Se obtiene un total de 2 créditos CE para completar con éxito.
这是一个全面的课程,旨在展示如何诊断颅内交叉韧带断裂,并考虑TPLO和其他治疗方案。您将学习如何计划和应用TPLO手术以及术前和术后护理的重要步骤。 本课程是KYON TPLO途径的一部分。它的后面是KYON TPLO实验课程的实践练习。
Die TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) wird zur Behandlung von Hunden mit Riss des vorderen Kreuzbandes eingesetzt. Der Kurs „Basiswissen zur Durchführung einer TPLO“ soll Hintergrundwissen über die Patellofemoralgelenkserkrankung vermitteln, das Spektrum der Behandlungsmöglichkeiten erläutern, Grundkenntnisse darüber vermitteln, wann, warum und wie eine TPLO angeboten werden sollte, und Chirurgen das Wissen vermitteln, das für die Teilnahme an einem praktischen Workshop erforderlich ist. Die voraussichtliche Dauer des Kurses beträgt 2 Stunden.