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Guidelines for Surgical Infection Control: Small Steps Make a BIG Difference Online Course

Purchase for $70

Guidelines for Surgical Infection Control:  Small Steps Make a BIG Difference is designed to provide an overview of surgical wound management and infection control in veterinary science. Topics include categorizing surgical wounds, classifying surgical site infections (SSIs), identifying common bacteria, adhering to recommended standards for patient and instrument preparation, implementing infection control in the operating room (OR), and postoperative wound care.

A total of 1, RACE approved, CE credits are earned for successful completion.






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1 hour


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Following completion of this online course,

Collie in motion with logo mark

a participant will be able to:



  • List the accepted surgical wound categories.
  • List the classification of surgical site infections (SSIs).
  • List the common bacteria associated with SSIs.
  • Review the current recommended standards for surgical patient preparation.
  • Review the current recommended standards for surgical instrument preparation.
  • Understand OR practices for infection control and maintaining sterility in the OR during surgery.
  •  Understand infection control steps for postoperative patient wound care.



The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Movora Certificate of Completion
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