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Guidelines for Surgical Infection Control: Small Steps Make a BIG Difference is designed to provide an overview of surgical wound management and infection control in veterinary science. Topics include categorizing surgical wounds, classifying surgical site infections (SSIs), identifying common bacteria, adhering to recommended standards for patient and instrument preparation, implementing infection control in the operating room (OR), and postoperative wound care.
A comprehensive online course designed to provide background information on the risks of surgical infections and how decrease these risks through an intraoperative lavage. This course is approved by the AAVSB for 1 CE credit. Expected time to complete this course is 1 hour.
This bundle includes the Myth 1, 2, 3 & 4 courses which cover Cleaning Surgical Instruments and Power Tools, Autoclaves Quality Control, and Packing and Labeling. The courses in this bundle are approved by the AAVSB for a total 4 CE credits.
This is a comprehensive online course about autoclaves; how they work, sterilization, chemical indicators, biological indicators, and quality management systems. This course is a second in a series of 3 myth courses designed to provide current information based on best practices. This course is approved by the AAVSB for 1 CE credit.
This is a course designed to provide the guidelines for evaluation and use of packaging systems. It outlines loading of the steam sterilizer, and how to select the appropriate labelling method to ensure accuracy without jeopardizing the sterilization process. Expected time to complete this course is 1 hour. A total of 1 CE credit is earned for successful completion.
This online course is a comprehensive outline of the benefits and rational for using pre-sterilized, antimicrobial-coated implants coated in HyProtect antimicrobial coating.
Sterilization Efficiency and Sustainability: The Science Behind the EverGreen Filtered Sterilization Container Online Course is designed to explain why Evergreen Container is a premium product, how to care for it, how the containers maintain sterility, and why it is a sustainable option.
Efficacité de la stérilisation et durabilité : Le cours en ligne "Efficacité de la stérilisation et durabilité : la science derrière la stérilisation filtrée" est conçu pour expliquer pourquoi le conteneur Evergreen est un produit haut de gamme, comment en prendre soin, comment les conteneurs maintiennent la stérilité et pourquoi c'est une option durable.
Eficiencia en Esterilización y Sostenibilidad: El curso en línea "Eficiencia y sostenibilidad de la esterilización: la ciencia detrás de la tecnología EverGreen" ofrece una comprensión integral sobre las características que hacen del Contenedor EverGreen un producto de alta calidad. Explora cómo mantener su óptimo funcionamiento, su capacidad para preservar la esterilidad, y los beneficios que lo convierten en una elección sostenible.