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KYON: An Introduction to Tibial Tuberosity Advancement TTA Online Course

Purchase for $140

KYON: An Introduction to Tibial Tuberosity Advancement TTA Online Course is designed to provide background on CrCL disease, understand the range of treatment options, acquire foundational knowledge in when, why, and how to offer TTA, and provide surgeons knowledge in preparation of attending a hands-on workshop.


A total of 2 RACE approved CE credits are earned for successful completion.




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2 hours


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Following completion of this online course,

a participant will be able to:


Collie in motion with logo mark

  • Summarize the benefits, science and biomechanics of TTA. 
  • Consider case selection for potential TTA patients.
  • Review the landmark and anatomy of the proximal tibia.
  • Determine advancement and cage size.
  • Identify the common tangent for precise, effective radiography.
  • Review the design intent of the KYON TTA implant system.
  • Summarize the main steps of the KYON TTA surgical technique.
  • Determine plate position and osteotomy location.
  • Review potential complications and how to avoid them.










The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Movora Certificate of Completion
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