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Foundations of Performing TPLO Online Course is designed to give background on CrCL disease, understand the range of treatment options, acquire foundational knowledge in when, why, and how to offer TPLO, and provide surgeons knowledge in preparation of attending a hands-on workshop. Expected time to complete this course is 2 hours. A total of 2 CE credits are earned for successful completion.
La osteotomía niveladora de la meseta tibial o en inglés Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) se usa para tratar perros con un ligamento cruzado craneal (LCC) roto. Fundamentos de la realización de TPLO está diseñado para proporcionar antecedentes sobre la enfermedad CrCL, comprender la gama de opciones de tratamiento, adquirir conocimientos fundamentales sobre cuándo, por qué y cómo ofrecer TPLO, y proporcionar a los cirujanos conocimientos en preparación para asistir a un taller práctico. El tiempo esperado para completar este curso es de 2 horas. Se obtiene un total de 2 créditos CE para completar con éxito.
ALPS® PAUL-II is a second generation PAUL plate used for treating elbow dysplasia. KYON: An Introduction to ALPS® PAUL-II is designed to provide a theoretical foundation of the PAUL-II system. The completion of this course is a prerequisite for taking part in a practical ALPS PAUL-II workshop. Expected time to complete this course is 5 hours. A total of 4 CE credits are earned for successful completion.
This is an introductory course to KYON's Patellar Groove Replacement (PGR) system. It provides relevant information about the PGR system, indications for PGR, pre- and post-operative care and the PGR surgical technique. This course is part of the KYON PGR educational pathway and is followed by the practical exercises in a KYON PGR workshop.
This is a comprehensive course designed to show how to diagnose a cranial cruciate ligament rupture, and consider TPLO and other treatments options. You will learn to plan and apply the TPLO procedure and the important steps of pre- and post-operative care. This course is part of the KYON TPLO pathway. It is followed by the practical exercises in a KYON TPLO workshop. This course is approved by the AAVSB for 3 CE credits.
这是一个全面的课程,旨在展示如何诊断颅内交叉韧带断裂,并考虑TPLO和其他治疗方案。您将学习如何计划和应用TPLO手术以及术前和术后护理的重要步骤。 本课程是KYON TPLO途径的一部分。它的后面是KYON TPLO实验课程的实践练习。
Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) is used to treat dogs with a ruptured Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CrCL). KYON: An Introduction to Tibial Tuberosity Advancement TTA Online Course is designed to give background on CrCL disease, understand the range of treatment options, acquire foundational knowledge in when, why, and how to offer TTA, and provide surgeons knowledge in preparation of attending a hands-on workshop. The expected time to complete this course is 2 hours. A total of 2, RACE approved, CE credits are earned for successful completion.
This course is designed to provide foundational knowledge of CORA Based Leveling Osteotomy (CBLO). This course reviews when and why to conduct a CBLO procedure, and gives theory behind why CBLO has been highly successful in repairing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears in canines. Expected time to complete this course is 1 hour. A total of .75, RACE approved, CE credit are earned for successful completion.
im Vetklinikum, Wien, Österreich Dieser Workshop vermittelt den TeilnehmerInnen die Grundkenntnisse der Anatomie des Kniegelenks und die Grundlagen der TPLO- und Mini-TPLO Technik.
at the Movora Education Center in Boston, MA The objective of this practical TTA two-day workshop is to improve your understanding of all critical aspects of TTA and equip you with the necessary skills to achieve consistently successful clinical outcomes.
at the Movora Education Center in Boston! This practical 2-day VOI TPLO wet lab workshop will improve your understanding of all critical aspects of VOI TPLO and will equip you with the necessary skills to achieve consistently successful clinical outcomes.
at the Movora Education Center in Boston! This course will provide up-to-date information on the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency and patellar luxation.
at Nexus Veterinary CE Center in Park City, UT We will teach reliable techniques and give valuable practical tips useful in repairing CrCL injuries with TPLO technique.
at Nexus Veterinary CE Center in Park City, UT We will teach reliable techniques and give valuable practical tips useful in repairing CrCL injuries with the TPLO technique.
at the AnimalCare Veterinary Center, Nicosia, CY This three-day workshop organized by European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS) is meticulously designed to equip veterinarians with the latest diagnostic modalities and treatment strategies essential for addressing patellar luxation effectively.
at the Movora Education Center in Boston! This practical 2-day ALPS® TPLO wet lab workshop will improve your understanding of all critical aspects of KYON TPLO and will equip you with the necessary skills to achieve consistently successful clinical outcomes.
at Nexus Veterinary CE Center in Park City, UT We will teach reliable techniques and give valuable practical tips useful in repairing CrCL injuries with CBLO technique.
at Viticus Group - Oquendo Center in Las Vegas, NV! This course will provide up-to-date information on the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency and patellar luxation.
at Nexus Veterinary CE Center in Park City, UT This course will discuss diagnosis and treatment of common injuries affecting both the companion and canine athlete such as hip luxation, collateral ligament injury, calcaneal tendon injury, shoulder lameness/instability, and carpal/tarsal injuries.
at University of Calgary, AB This interactive course includes lectures and laboratories to teach participants the theory and method of tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO).
at Nexus Veterinary CE Center in Park City, UT Our expert instructors will teach the concepts of TPLO in a small-group setting at our new Continuing Education Center in Park City, Utah.
at Movora Education Center in Boston, MA Our expert instructors will teach the concepts of CBLO in a small-group setting at our new Movora Education Center in Boston, MA
at Translational Medicine Institute, Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO This two-day workshop will teach participants reliable techniques and give valuable practical tips useful in repairing patello-femoral joint disease.
at Nexus Veterinary CE Center- Park City in Park City, UT Patellar Luxation is a common orthopedic problem in dogs and cats. Successful treatment of these conditions requires accurate diagnosis and assessment. This course will provide up-to-date information on the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and introduction to treatment of patellar luxation
at Viticus Group - Oquendo Center in Las Vegas, NV This interactive course includes lectures and laboratories to teach participants the theory and method of tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO).
at Movora Education Center in Boston, MA This 2.5-day workshop will teach participants reliable techniques and give valuable practical tips useful in CrCL repair.
at the University of Calgary, AB This course will provide up-to-date information on the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency and patellar luxation.
at the Viticus Center - Oquendo Campus in Las Vegas, NV! This course will familiarize participants with fracture repair techniques through online course work, lecture, and clinical case presentations.
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK This two-day workshop allows participants to understand the basic knowledge of stifle anatomy and the fundamentals of the TPLO technique, using the new VOI BioCurve range of TPLO plates.
at University of Calgary, AB This practical 2-day VOI TPLO wet lab workshop will improve your understanding of all critical aspects of VOI TPLO and will equip you with the necessary skills to achieve consistently successful clinical outcomes.
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK This two-day workshop focusses on TPLO in small breed dogs (Mini TPLO) on the first day, followed by Mini TPLO and Medial Patellar Luxation (MPL) on the second day, using the new VOI BioCurve range of TPLO plates.
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK This one-day workshop combines learning the PGR procedure online with practising the procedures in a dry lab and wet lab workshop with immediate feedback from the experts Alexandros Bourbos and Kris Camps. The workshop booking includes enrolment in the online course “KYON: An Introduction to PGR”, which must be completed before workshop attendance. The workshop will focus on the practical exercises.
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK This practical one-day KYON PAUL-II Workshop will improve your understanding of all critical aspects of the PAUL procedure and will equip you with the necessary skills to achieve consistently successful clinical outcomes.
Ce cours présentant les bases de l’orientation d’un patient pour une prothèse totale de hanche (PTH) est conçu pour vous fournir les informations nécessaires pour prescrire une PTH aux chiens et aux chats. Par le passé, la PTH était considérée par de nombreux vétérinaires comme compliquée et difficile à gérer pour les vétérinaires, les propriétaires et les animaux de compagnie eux-mêmes. Cependant, la technologie et la technique ont évolué. La PTH est aujourd’hui considérée comme une intervention chirurgicale de routine et comme l’étalon-or pour le traitement de la dysplasie de la hanche et de l’arthrose sévère par les experts en la matière. Les progrès technologiques ont rendu possible la pose d’implants pour toute la durée de vie de l’animal. En reproduisant l’articulation naturelle de la rotule, la PTH est conçue pour permettre aux animaux de compagnie de reprendre une vie normale et sans douleur. Le temps nécessaire pour terminer ce cours est d’une heure. Un total de 1 crédit de formation continue est obtenu en cas de réussite.
Der Online-Kurs „Diagnostik bei Erkrankungen des vorderen Kreuzbandes (CCL)“ richtet sich an Allgemeinmediziner, die verstehen möchten, wie eine Erkrankung des vorderen Kreuzbandes diagnostiziert wird. Der Kurs erörtert zum einen Befunde der Krankengeschichte, die mit Erkrankungen des vorderen Kreuzbands in Verbindung stehen und zeigt zum anderen, wie Erknenntnisse Befunde der orthopädischen Untersuchung auf Lahmheiten der Beckengliedmassen und Erkrankungen des vorderen Kreuzbands zurückgeführt werden können. Die behandelten Themen umfassen Anatomie und Pathophysiologie, Ganguntersuchung, Steh- und Liegeuntersuchung, den kranialen Schubladentest, den tibialen Schubladentest sowie die erforderliche Röntgendiagnostik zusammen mit der Patientenpositionierung.
Basiswissen zur Überweisung zur Hüft-Totalendoprothese (Hüft-TEP) gibt Ihnen die notwendigen Kentnisse für die Überweisung von Hunden und Katzen zur Hüft-TEP. Traditionell wurde die Hüft-TEP von vielen Tierärzten als kompliziert und schwierig für Tierärzte, Tierbesitzer und die Tiere selbst angesehen. Technologie und Technik haben sich jedoch weiterentwickelt. Die Hüft-TEP wird heute als chirurgischer Routineeingriff angesehen und gilt unter Fachleuten als Goldstandard für die Behandlung von Hüftgelenksdysplasie und schwerer Arthrose. Die Fortschritte in der Technologie haben dazu geführt, dass die Implantate ein Leben lang halten. Durch die Nachbildung des natürlichen Kugelgelenks ist die Hüft-TEP so konzipiert, dass Haustiere wieder ein normales, schmerzfreies Leben führen können. Die Dauer des Kurses beträgt ca. 1 Stunde. Bei erfolgreichem Abschluss wird insgesamt 1 CE-Kredit vergeben.
at VetPartners Veterinary Training Centre, Sydney, AU This highly practical workshop is aimed at veterinary practitioners who want to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in managing cruciate disease and associated secondary meniscal injuries using extracapsular surgical technique. $1,540.00 AUD ex. GST
at VetPartners Veterinary Training Centre, Sydney, AU This highly practical workshop is aimed at veterinary practitioners and veterinary residents with general orthopaedic experience, who want to develop and refine the requisite skills and confidence to successfully manage patella luxation cases. $1,540.00 AUD ex. GST
at the Freelance Education Center, Bristol, UK This one-day workshop combines learning the PGR procedure online with practising the procedures in a dry lab and wet lab workshop with immediate feedback from the experts Alexandros Bourbos and Kris Camps. The workshop booking includes enrolment in the online course “KYON: An Introduction to PGR”, which must be completed before workshop attendance. The workshop will focus on practical exercises.