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KYON: An Introduction to PAUL-II Online Course

Purchase for $350

ALPS® PAUL-II is a second generation PAUL plate used for treating elbow dysplasia. It is part of the KYON ALPS® Product Range and thus combines the biological benefits of ALPS® Technology and the economic benefits of KYON Locking Screws KLS™. KYON: An Introduction to ALPS® PAUL-II is designed to provide theoretical foundation of the PAUL-II system. The completion of this course is a prerequisite for taking part in a hands-on, practical workshop.

Please take notice that when booking a PAUL workshop, you will be automatically enrolled in this online course and a separate purchase of the online course is not necessary. 

Expected time to complete this course is 5 hours. A total of 4 CE credits are earned for successful completion. 


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Movora Certificate of Completion
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